I realize that the majority of the people who read my blog follow me on other social media outlets however, that won't stop me from sharing this story (which in all reality should have been written up a couple months ago).
You may remember, though it has been some time, the day I posted about going on a hike with my best friend, Erin. On that hike we had talked about a plethora of things as we always do.
One of those things was our hopes and dreams regarding our future family lives.
That particular topic took up a good portion of our hike and later that day, after I was home, I felt like I should take a pregnancy test.
I actually kept telling myself that I didn't need to and that it would be the same result as the last million times I'd done it in the last two years. Negative. So, why? I kept a few tests at home but I didn't feel pregnant, and my cycle, which ranged anywhere from 60 to 80 days in length on average, hadn't even hit the 45 day mark.
I finally decided to take the chance. Usually, as per the instructions for the pee-on-a-stick tests, you have to wait for 3 minutes before an accurate reading can be read. For me though, a faint, a very very faint but still very much THERE, line appeared on the test.
I counted and recounted.
Two lines=pregnant.
Two lines=pregnant.
But that couldn't be real. It was probably a false positive.
I cleaned up, left the stick on the sink counter, and headed to CVS to buy some more tests. Different brands this time because I had a store brand and surely a brand name test would give me a more accurate result.
On my way home, I called Neil. I asked him, "Do you want me to tell you now or wait until you get home?" Of course he said to tell him then, it's rather hard to judge when you want to hear some news when you don't know what that news is! So I said, "I think, I THINK, I might be pregnant. I just went and bought another test to try again." He was cautiously excited and told me to wait until he got home to take it. And so I did.
But wouldn't you know it? The darn test I bought was faulty. It gave me an error reading.
I was out of tests and out of pee.
We decided to trek to Target to pick up a variety of pregnancy tests (because they were having a sale...go figure) and by the time we got back home, I had a full, non-watered down bladder and an army of pregnancy tests.
Test #2 (okay, #3) was, again, positive. That second little line showed up pretty rapidly, however faintly.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I took a test every few days. All positive. However, that didn't stop me from being skeptical. I called my OBGYN and set up an appointment for a few weeks down the road.
Those few weeks were torture but finally the day came and we went into the office cautiously excited.
After the nurse called us back and took all the notes she needed from me, she sent in the doctor. He was so nice and asked all the same questions and then some. Finally, it was time to look for proof of a baby via the ultrasound machine.
Based on our baby's size, baby was 6 weeks 5 days, not 8 weeks 1 day as we had thought. Apparently this is common for women with PCOS. We don't ovulate with the same kind of reliability as those without PCOS so I had just ovulated later than the "normal time". Because of this, we couldn't hear the heartbeat but we sure could see it! That little bean shaped nugget in my uterus was showing off as best it could and it made us both so excited. About a month later we were able to hear our little baby's heartbeat and I fell to pieces. My midwife was tickled that I cried and said it is her favorite part of the job.
I've made it safely and soundly through the first trimester and a good way into the second. Our baby is doing well, growing, kicking, moving limbs and having a good ol' time inside of me.
I treasure this child, I pray for this child everyday, as I did before this baby was even growing inside of me. I cherish every little movement I can feel and every picture we can get at our checkups. I am grateful because I am blessed with a husband who will be a fantastic father and who is excited to be one.
February 1st, take your time getting here but not too much time, okay? We really can't wait to meet this little baby face to face.
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