I just outed your nickname, Lauren. Or one of them at least.
And it's because this post is ALL ABOUT YOU! (Sorta.)
You and your habit forming ways that are way too easily passed off onto me.
You see, I've become increasingly attached (we're gonna avoid the word "addicted") to certain things that YOU introduced me to.
Here is a list to name a few:
Revenge (TV Show)
Pretty Little Liars (TV Show)
Gossip Girl -or was that Kimberly? Eh, I'll just blame you. (TV Show)
The Selection Series (3 Books)
The Prophecy of the Sisters Series (3 Books)
Entwined (Book)
The Book Thief (Movie and Book)
That's not even a complete list, my dear sister.
Let me just tell you two quick stories. Okay, maybe four.
Story 1- Revenge
"You won't be able to stop watching it!" Well, by George, you were right. Only, I watch what there was on Netflix and became increasingly annoyed with the way TV producers/writers seem to think that a BAZILLION seasons with little to no plot progression is desirable (ABC, I'm looking at you! LOST? Once Upon a Time?? Revenge??? C'MON!!!) So, until the series is either cancelled or actually comes to an end. This one is on hold.
I like endings. I like them when they are well written, planned out before hand, make sense and don't throw random Polar Bears into the mix. My new catch phrase is "Don't worry because in the end, we'll find out they're all dead anyway." Stupid.
Story 2- Pretty Little Liars
Now, this. This is just mean. When you told me to watch this on Netflix, I naively believed that the four seasons on Netflix made up the entire series. Meaning, I'd see the story start to finish. But, no! No, they just happen to have another 3 seasons ahead of them! Just end it! "A" can't keep slipping through the cracks like this, Ali just makes me want to punch her in the face, the other girls must be REALLY naive if they think sticking by her is somehow going to help her or them, and I'm just tired of everyone being dumb. Just stop. Alas, I still watch it, every week, with the hope that the ABC Family writers will get their junk together...*sigh*
Story 3- The Selection Series
This series was good. Really, really good. What I didn't know and wasn't informed of, little Lauren, was that it was part of a SERIES and that series WASN'T EVEN DONE BEING WRITTEN! How could you do that to me? You're like a drug dealer but instead of illegal substances you "Fox Books"ed me! ("sell them cheap books and legal addictive stimulants"-You've Got Mail). Only you deal in books and tv shows! I loved it though. When the 3rd book came out, I was on my way home from a girl's trip, in the car and used my phone as a hotspot to buy and then download the book to my iPad. I don't think I've ever read a book faster. No, not "read", devoured. It was so good! Everyone should read it. The most bizarre mix of The Bachelor, Cinderella and The Hunger Games.
Last Story- The Prophecy of the Sisters
Now, this was more recent. You suggested it, I bought the book, but it sat on my shelf until just a couple weeks ago. I decided to take this book with me to Lake Powell so I had something to do when I wasn't in the water. Well, you have a bad habit of not telling me when something is part of a series so I, yet again, flew through this book, this really interesting, really intriguing book just to come to the end and realize that it's a part of a trilogy! To make matters worse, of getting the next two books! Though I will say that I was happy to find that this trilogy was completed. When I got home, I downloaded the next two books. It's insane how I let you do this to me.
In the end, however, I have enjoyed this roller coaster and will probably listen to you the next time you tell me to "read this" or "watch that". Only, I'm gonna get wise and ask you, "Is it a part of a series?" and "Is that series completed?" because, truly, you have great taste. So thanks!