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I wanted to write a little "somethin', somethin'" about my love hate relationship with working out.
1. Being Noticed
First, let me just say that while I'm working out, I don't even want my husband to see me let alone anybody else. The hard part about working out is after. You're sore, you feel AMAZING but it's very rare for anyone to say, "You look like you worked out today! Way to go!"
All, in all, it doesn't really matter if other people notice how you look and there is no way for someone else to feel your workout either.
I guess it just helps when you know someone has taken the time to encourage you with words rather than "like" the selfie of your sweaty face "proving" you went on a run or got your butt kicked at Xtend Barre classes. (Here's looking at you, Bri.)
2. Showering
I love me a good shower but every day? First off, I know it's necessary especially if you've worked up a good sweat but UHG! My skin gets dried out, my hair can't handle being washed that much and, I don't know, it's too time consuming. Then I'm so tired from working out that all I want to do is hang out in my PJs with wet hair, a make-up free face, and, if I'm being honest, bra-less. Girls, you know I'm right. So maybe it's not the showering I hate but the prepping that goes into the daily look. Even a relaxed look (a step above stay-inside-all-day-hermit, just FYI) takes effort. Doing my hair whether it's still wet or I've blow dried it. It's effort that I'd rather not take but feel obligated to complete so that I can prove I'm not as lazy as I often feel and would like to be.
3. Others
Comparison is the thief of joy. How many times have you heard that? Alas, it is true. Don't compare your running pace, your thighs, your workout hair or how red your skin gets to the next person because it will take the joy and momentum OUT of working out. If it happens just remember that you're on your own journey. I lose sight of that fact 90% of the time. I don't believe it. BUT if I tell myself that I want to believe it, that desire carries me. So, don't give up on yourself. That can be hard.
If you work out outside, this can be tricky. I hate, yes, hate running outside when it's hot. Or if there is a possibility that it may become hot while on my run. Which leads to number 5...
5. Early Wake-up Call
I like working out when there is natural light, but not enough light to make it hot. So this can be a tricky thing. I get up early and run or it just doesn't happen and not because I'm busy. It's because the sun makes it too hot. And in the summer? Oi vei.
6. Memberships
For me, if I have one, I try to get myself to go enough times in the month to "pay for itself" so that I don't feel guilty about having a "gym" category on our monthly budget. So, in that sense it's good but then you have to fight for a machine. Or plan to go when there is less "traffic". Sometimes even then you're just waiting around. I don't have time for that. However, not having a membership means that I can't always go with friends to the gym for a good swim or spin class. At least, not as often as I'd like.
7. Fear
The infamous, "What if" comes into play here more than anywhere else in my life. What if I get injured again? What if my body doesn't respond as quickly as it did last time? What if it doesn't respond at all? What if I'm stuck feeling and looking like this forever?
Fear is real. Fear can be debilitating or it can be a superpower. It's how you view it.
"I know you’re afraid, but being afraid is alright. Because didn’t
anybody ever tell you? Fear is a superpower. Fear can make you faster
and cleverer and stronger... because if you’re very wise and very strong fear doesn’t have to
make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind. It doesn’t matter if
there’s nothing under the bed or in the dark so long as you know it’s
okay to be afraid of it. So listen. If you listen to anything else,
listen to this. You’re always gonna be afraid even if you learn to hide
it. Fear is like a companion, a constant companion, always there. But
that’s okay because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home... Fear
makes companions of us all." -Clara Oswald, Dr. Who, "Listen"
Forgive my geekiness for a second and take a minute to let that sink in. It's true. Fear is the reason I can't give up. Not the reason that I should.